The slides below were prepared by Levin group members for group meeting literature presentations, and we are making them available as a service to the community. Feel free to share and distribute, and please contact us if you have any questions or comments.

Aggarwal Boronate Rearrangements
(Balu Dherange, Dec. 2nd, 2020) [Link]

J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1965, 87(19)
(Patrick Kelly, November 5th, 2020) [Link] 

(Ahit Kaan Tarhan, September 30th, 2020) [Link]

J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1987, 109 (26)
(Kate Berger, September 2nd, 2020) [Link]

Eric Jacobsen Career Summary
(Jisoo Woo, August 5th, 2020) [Link]

Christopher Cummins Career Summary
(Yongliang Zhang, July 8th, 2020) [Link]

Carbon-11 Chemistry for Positron Emission Tomography
(Yongliang Zhang, May 28th, 2020) [Link]

The Career of Sukbok Chang
(Sean Kennedy, May 14th, 2020) [Link]

Ring Expansion Reactions of Aromatic Heterocycles
(Balu Dherange, April 30th, 2020) [Link]

T.J. Meyer Career Retrospective
(Patrick Kelly, April 16th, 2020) [Link]

Deaminative Functionalization of Primary Alkyl Amines by a Radical Mechanism
(Kate Berger, April 2nd, 2020) [Link]